Students need caring and helping Tutors
Students need caring and helping Tutors
For tutors they are being called to be the caring leaders that guide our students to a place where they can learn together.
Our tutors are true change makers. They are providers and they are leaders and they play a vital role in children future
As students head back to school after summer vacation, there will be many emotions from excitement to curiosity.
For tutors, not only do they what they be experiencing emotional feeling but also must be the caring adult that guide students where they can learn together.
This is a challenging proposition as tutors are change makers in student life. They are caregivers along with being a leader that play vital role in children emotional well-being.
How can parents support tutors in children’s learning habits?
The parents can trust that time will take care of it in the end. Schools would need to focus on the emotional side before academic success with students.
What our students need from us is sympathy and caring. They need to know we are there for them, and that they matter to us.
We will have to try to forge relationships with students so they can feel connected to us.
Children want to feel safe. They want someone to lean on and rely on them.
Nowadays, most children are experiencing the exact opposite as they look to return to school, they have little idea of what normal life feels to them.
Finding healthy ways to channel their energy can help to solve abnormal behavior in children. Having daily activities can be good for students to release frustration before it leads to negative aggression.
LMS can have a positive impact on student lives by having a professional tutor teach them about life and it leads to a positive impact on their academic success.
Have patient with our students and do not burden them with expectation.