How interpreter master the art of speaking two languages at the same time

Azfar Imam
Last Update November 30, 2024
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How interpreter master the art of speaking two languages at the same time

 In the context of interpreting, words have consequences. Complexities of language and cultural sensitivity mean words are interpreted differently based on where it is spoken in each country.

Why misinformation is minimized during the interpreting.

It involves great skill and training of interpreters to achieve perfection and language differences.

In the past, interpreting was done consecutively with the interpreter listening to the speaker during the pause and then interpreting. Then simultaneous interpreting was introduced after technology came along. During simultaneous, the interpreter translates as the speaker speaks without pausing in the microphone headset while the audience listen.

During UN interpreting, the interpreter speaks English in native language and then native to English while those sitting in the conference room turn on the radio for the language they can understand. On top of it, it looks easy to do simultaneous interpreting, but it takes years of experience and training doing assignments to master the art.

The interpreter has to work on their vocabulary and sentences along with superior skills to become conference interpreters. To become good at simultaneous interpreting, the interpreter practice daily by reading books, newspaper and trying to repeat words in their native language exactly as they listen in English.

Paraphrasing involves saying sentences or words in another way while adjusting the dialect and cultural sensitivity of the terminology. A Mandarin interpreter will understand a word differently than Cantonese because they come from different areas.

Practicing simultaneously creates a new way of thinking for interpreter to learn and gain more knowledge of the language. With more practice, skill, and effort interpreters become very good and gain familiarity in interpreting simultaneously.

Doing simultaneous assignments over the years it becomes easy for interpreters who become experts in keeping with the speed of simultaneous work. Learning the terminology of words is important for interpreters as some people become experts by becoming certified interpreters.

Simultaneous interpreters can handle complex assignments in any industry such as court interpreting, school conferences, and community meetings.

Most simultaneous interpreters speak many languages to expand their horizons of interpreting. By using their skills, interpreters use creativity to keep up with a fast interpretation. Hand signals, and visual signs are an important part of unconventional skills that helps interpreter to make it look simply than the simultaneous assignment actually looks from the outside.

Interpreters have a replacement word up their sleeve just in case any old ones can be forgotten during translation. Interpreters stay calm when surroundings them are intense.

Most of the time interpreters do not know what the speaker will say or may get away from the topic of the conversation. It is the responsibility of an interpreter to manage the situation and stay the course. They are expected to perform in front of a huge crowd in attendance.

Interpreters like to prepare for each upcoming assignment in advance to show their professionalism. They want to know a few details such as the topic of the meeting, where they will be sitting in the audience, how many people they will be interpreting, how long is the assignment, whether they be working as a team or if they will wear a headset. All these things make their job easier to perform.

Interpreters like to prepare their homework based on any previous information to gain knowledge about what is the topic, or the meeting is related to the assignment.

The simultaneous assignment involves partnership. One person interprets for 20 min in the microphone while the other helps with notes or write any words that the interpreter does not remember in their mind. Once the interpreter’s time is up, they switch places during simultaneous interpreting.

Collaboration is very important during translation for simultaneous assignments. Many languages are being spoken around the world and sometimes translation can get lost during meaning based on each dialect. The results can be drastic as a medical interpreter who makes a mistake with the terminology can put patient’s life at risk.

That is why interpreter including simultaneously understand the risks and consequences during interpretation and their responsibility is to minimize the risk for consequences.

Learning Objectives

A professional interpreter will get important points about simultaneous interpreting

Material Includes

  • Information about simultaneous interpretation and tips about how it works


  • Interpreter will learn the art of simultaneous interpreting

Target Audience

  • An experienced interpreter looking to find how to become a successful simultaneous interpreter


How interpreter master the art of speaking two languages at the same time

How interpreter master the art of speaking two languages at the same time In the context of interpreting, words have consequences. Complexities of language and cultural sensitivity mean words are interpreted differently based on where it is spoken in each country. Why misinformation is minimized during the interpreting. It involves great skill and training of interpreters to achieve perfection and language differences. In the past, interpreting was done consecutively with the interpreter listening to the speaker during the pause and then interpreting. Then simultaneous interpreting was introduced after technology came along. During simultaneous, the interpreter translates as the speaker speaks without pausing in the microphone headset while the audience listen. During UN interpreting, the interpreter speaks English in native language and then native to English while those sitting in the conference room turn on the radio for the language they can understand. On top of it, it looks easy to do simultaneous interpreting, but it takes years of experience and training doing assignments to master the art. The interpreter has to work on their vocabulary and sentences along with superior skills to become conference interpreters. To become good at simultaneous interpreting, the interpreter practice daily by reading books, newspaper and trying to repeat words in their native language exactly as they listen in English. Paraphrasing involves saying sentences or words in another way while adjusting the dialect and cultural sensitivity of the terminology. A Mandarin interpreter will understand a word differently than Cantonese because they come from different areas. Practicing simultaneously creates a new way of thinking for interpreter to learn and gain more knowledge of the language. With more practice, skill, and effort interpreters become very good and gain familiarity in interpreting simultaneously. Doing simultaneous assignments over the years it becomes easy for interpreters who become experts in keeping with the speed of simultaneous work. Learning the terminology of words is important for interpreters as some people become experts by becoming certified interpreters. Simultaneous interpreters can handle complex assignments in any industry such as court interpreting, school conferences, and community meetings. Most simultaneous interpreters speak many languages to expand their horizons of interpreting. By using their skills, interpreters use creativity to keep up with a fast interpretation. Hand signals, and visual signs are an important part of unconventional skills that helps interpreter to make it look simply than the simultaneous assignment actually looks from the outside. Interpreters have a replacement word up their sleeve just in case any old ones can be forgotten during translation. Interpreters stay calm when surroundings them are intense. Most of the time interpreters do not know what the speaker will say or may get away from the topic of the conversation. It is the responsibility of an interpreter to manage the situation and stay the course. They are expected to perform in front of a huge crowd in attendance. Interpreters like to prepare for each upcoming assignment in advance to show their professionalism. They want to know a few details such as the topic of the meeting, where they will be sitting in the audience, how many people they will be interpreting, how long is the assignment, whether they be working as a team or if they will wear a headset. All these things make their job easier to perform. Interpreters like to prepare their homework based on any previous information to gain knowledge about what is the topic, or the meeting is related to the assignment. The simultaneous assignment involves partnership. One person interprets for 20 min in the microphone while the other helps with notes or write any words that the interpreter does not remember in their mind. Once the interpreter’s time is up, they switch places during simultaneous interpreting. Collaboration is very important during translation for simultaneous assignments. Many languages are being spoken around the world and sometimes translation can get lost during meaning based on each dialect. The results can be drastic as a medical interpreter who makes a mistake with the terminology can put patient’s life at risk. That is why interpreter including simultaneously understand the risks and consequences during interpretation and their responsibility is to minimize the risk for consequences.

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Azfar Imam

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How to master 2 Languages at same time

Material Includes

  • Information about simultaneous interpretation and tips about how it works
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