How to make a great resume

Last Update November 30, 2024
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One of the best strategies to obtain a new job is to know how to make a resume presentable to hiring managers. Even if you are an excellent applicant, it might be disheartening to apply for jobs and not be hired.

Make your resume stand out in the recruiter eyes

Make your resume stand out in the recruiter eyes. Many firms use applicant tracking system to go through a large pool of candidates and select the best ones. However, many applicant tracking systems may not provide every qualifying candidate. As a result, even if the HR manager likes your resume, it may not pass the ATS screening procedure.

Applicant tracking system

Your resume must pass through an applicant tracking system in order to stand out to a recruiter.

Check job descriptions for appropriate keywords to include in your resume

When you apply for a job, many applicant tracking systems scan your resume for keywords related to the position you’re seeking. Check job descriptions for appropriate keywords in your resume. As a result, the most important keywords must be included in your CV.

Use job descriptions exactly as written in resume

Use Keywords in job descriptions exactly as written in resume. To pass an ATS, you may even want to utilize the exact phrasing from the job description. Because ATS look for exact matches for their keywords, any others will be rejected. If you state your occupation as RN on your résumé but the job description specifies registered nurse, the tracking system will reject your application. If you’re seeking for a job, make sure your resume is carefully worded in order to pass the ATS.

Format your resume properly

Because applicant monitoring systems usually detect text-based resumes, you should format your resume properly. If your application involves images or tables, the ATS will be unable to retrieve the information required to advance to the next stage of the hiring process. To keep your resume simple, use bullet points, italics, and bold.

Use the right file for your resume format

If you want to maximize the chances of a hire save resume as right file for your resume. Because many computers can scan.docx files with high accuracy, your resume should be saved as a PDF or.docx file.
Apply for jobs for which you are qualified, utilizing keywords that will help you get the job. Recruiters at World Wide Access Staffing can assist you with your resume.

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